Eating Freely is a powerful, structured program that can help to uncover the unnoticed and unmet needs you are attempting to satisfy with food. We’ve all heard the ‘Eat less and move more’ philosophy, but we both know there is so much more to your eating, weight and body image than just that.
Your self-worth is so much more than the number on the scales, or on the label in your clothes. I will be your compassionate supporter, helping you to learn new skills and creating a sacred space just for you to explore your relationship with food.
I offer a free 30 minute consultation to see if this programme is a good fit for you.
Eating Freely is a structured, time limited program with all the support you need to help you get on track, and STAY on track – physically, mentally and emotionally.
Once you have connected with me, you will attend your first four sessions WEEKLY.
After each session you attend, you will receive an email containing a video which will remind you of the theme of your session, and a downloadable version of whatever exercise or tool your Therapist gave you that week.
Between weeks 2 and 3, you will also have a 90 minute consultation with an Eating Freely Nutritional Therapist – either in person or online. This comprehensive session will give you both guidance on rehabilitating your gut (because all our clients’ guts need a bit of help to get back on track!), AND put together your nutritionally dense, personalised Eating Plan for Life – which will take into consideration any other health issues you may have from IBS or leaky gut, to fibromyalgia or an under active thyroid, and anything else that needs to be addressed.
After four weekly sessions with your Eating Freely Therapist, you will move to fortnightly sessions, giving you more time between sessions to put your learning into practice.
You’ll also have access to our Private Members Forum and Closed Facebook Group for additional support from other program participants, and Eating Freely Therapists to answer questions, give feedback etc.
The problem has never been that you just cannot stick to a diet, or you just haven’t found the right diet, the problem IS dieting.
Dieting sets you up for a ‘deprivation’ mindset, the feeling of ‘I can’t have…’ or even ‘I don’t deserve…’;
Dieting tells you every single hour of every day that you are “not good enough” the way you are;
Dieting reduces your entire self-worth to a number – on a scale, or a label;
Dieting TRIGGERS bingeing and overeating. FACT.
Dieting never works long term. If it did, you wouldn’t have to keep going on a diet!
“Eating Freely” is a combination of CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), Nutritional Rehabilitation, Neuroscience and Mindfulness, interwoven over the course of your program to give you a great toolbox of resources you can begin using straight away, and continue to build on after you finish working with your Therapist.
“Eating Freely” truly is a unique opportunity to finally break free from the cycle of restricted/diet led eating, and bingeing/overeating, and FINALLY learn how to eat well, with no deprivation, in a way that truly supports health, wellbeing AND weight loss in a very healthy, SUSTAINABLE way.
1. You choose to make a commitment to yourself that this year is the year you finally ‘do the work’ and break free from binge eating, emotional eating and ‘Serial Dieting’ FOREVER. You commit to investing the time and personal energy into that work – looking at yourself and what is not working, challenging your habits and ‘autopilots’, and re-learning how to eat properly, nutritiously and without deprivation.
2. You book your free online consultation with Sue Boad, Eating Freely Therapist, to find out more, ask your questions and ensure that Eating Freely is the correct choice for you.
3. The fee for our program which includes all therapy sessions, two nutritional therapy sessions, your online program and resources and 24/7 support through the Secret Facebook Group for participants – personally moderated by Emma Murphy, Founder & Clinical Director of Eating Freely – is three monthly instalments of €499. You can expect to be working with your Eating Freely Therapist for about 18 – 20 weeks in total.
If this causes your body to contract with ‘fear’…. ask yourself this:
How much have I spent over the years on diets, personal trainers, gym memberships, food plans, weight loss plans, supplements etc… with NO permanent success?
How many of the above ‘solutions’ focused only on ‘dieting’, with NO emotional or real psychological support?
If you have tried counselling before, how experienced were they in disordered eating, did they help you address your bingeing and emotional eating, or did they just focus on the ‘presenting issue’ – leaving you stuck in your unhelpful behaviours around food?
Eating Freely is different. Offered ONLY by qualified, experienced Counsellors and Psychotherapists, and endorsed by both the IACP and *Health Insurers, we work alongside you to disentangle food from your feelings, and the present from the past, leaving you FREE to get on with your life. Eating Freely will give you back control. Control of your feelings, control around food, and far more control of that currently unhelpful, unruly Inner Critic of yours!
*Both LAYA Healthcare and Irish Life Health (certain eligible policies) will rebate part of the fee for this program.
I came to Eating Freely through working with clients with anxiety and low self esteem, and noticing how often these feelings are connected to body image and emotional eating. What I wasn’t expecting from completing the ‘Eating Freely’ training was how much my own relationship with food would change for the better!
This made me realize how powerful this program is and how it can help to uncover the unnoticed and unmet needs you are attempting to satisfy with food. We’ve all heard the ‘Eat less and move more’ philosophy, but we both know there is so much more to your eating, weight and body image than just that.
Your self-worth is so much more than the number on the scales, or on the label in your clothes. I will be your compassionate supporter, helping you to learn new skills and creating a sacred space just for you to explore your relationship with food. I know you can gain the confidence to leave the dieting world behind and move towards a healthier, happier life.
ph. 087 751 5380
Please call or email to schedule in a session.
All sessions are now online.
Copyright © 2020 Susan Boad
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